Buying a Home on Bowen Island

A few years ago I got it in my head that I wanted to explore living on Bowen Island. I knew nothing about the place, let alone how to get there, but for some reason I had a burning desire to be there.

I checked out real estate listings on Bowen Island through MLS, but since the area was unfamiliar to me, it didn't fully satisfy my curiosity. As a result, I decided to put the idea on hold for the time being.

Fast forward a couple of months… I received a notification on my phone - a match from one of the dating platforms I was using (yeah, it was Tinder).
Anyway, turns out he was from Bowen Island.
How’s that for manifestation!?
Not only did I meet a great guy (like a truly normal good human) but it was also my ticket to the island!!

Oh the power of desire and intention 🙂

For the benefit of anyone who’s had the same thought process, here’s a little snippet about island life and buying real estate on Bowen:

The life, as you can imagine, is pretty laid back. The pace slows down the minute you drive off the ferry and it feels as though you’ve entered another world. I liken it to a scene in a play, once you’ve been here long enough you start to recognize the various characters who are woven into the fabric of what makes up the charm of the island.

There’s a handful of really good restaurants, a General Store which has everyone you need in a pinch, an organic grocery store, a gym, a pub, a school, and a selection of locally owned shops in Artisan Square.

Life as a ferry commuter can be challenging, so it's important to take that into consideration if you're traveling daily. There are delays, missed sailings, and inevitable frustrations, but overall, it's a pretty awesome way to commute. Instead of being stuck in traffic, you can get work done, take a nap, or enjoy 22 minutes of the most scenic landscape imaginable.  

(Bowen is a short 22 minute ferry ride from the mainland. Sailings are from Horseshoe Bay).

However, if you have a loose schedule and can work from home then it’s simply magical. No city noises to disrupt your train of thought (garbage trucks backing up, sirens, people walking around randomly yelling… ) you get the drift.
The loudest sounds on Bowen Island are the ravens and the sea lions. Oh and if you live close enough to the water you can hear the blows of the whales when they come up for air ;)

Real estate on Bowen Island is incredibly unique. No two homes are alike, no two properties are the same, and because it’s such an artistic community, there’s an element of creativity that makes for an interesting and fun home search.

And the value, especially compared to city prices, is exceptional!
For example, here’s a 2.5 acre property with a 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom home and an ocean view for less than 
$1.5 mil. #oceanviewhome #dreamhome
Click here to view listing.

Check out this little darling for under $1MIL.

Both of the above listings were active at the time this blog post was written. If you would like to do your own exploration you can search for real estate on Bowen Island here.

If Bowen Island is on your radar but you're unsure where to start, I can relate and I’m here to help! I've assisted numerous clients with buying and selling on the island. Since I also work in the city, I have a thorough understanding of life on both sides and can inform you about the intricacies you may not have even considered.

Send me an email and we can schedule a time to have a conversation to get you started.